Thursday, October 18, 2007

Melissa Lovell Art paper revisions

Melissa Lovell
English 101-99
23 September 2007

Art can be seen in many different ways. Artists may look at a painting differently than a person like me. I love to look at art but when it comes down to deciding what the piece is about or trying to decide what the artist may be meaning by the picture, I have no clue where to begin. I am that girl in the art gallery that just stands there for a few minutes and looks at the art and says if I thought if it was pretty or good and then I move on to the next piece. When we went to the Woods Hall art exhibit, I was faced with the challenge to look at some art pieces and compare them. I walked around for few minutes looking at all the artwork to see which ones I liked the best. I wanted to pick art that other people could maybe see in the way that I describe them. I think that this assignment will help me look at art in a new way from now on.

The first piece that I looked at was one done by Jenny Fine. She had put some pictures that she had taken onto some tin templates. The pictures were in brown and white and they looked old. They reminded me of something that I would have seen in my grandmother’s house. I really enjoyed the photos that she had put on the templates. The one picture that I loved the most was the picture that she had of two girls. The piece was entitled The Sisters. I loved this picture because it reminded me of my sister and the times that we have had together. These pictures were somewhat happy pictures to me. The girls in the picture just looked happy and free, like they did not have a care in the world. I think that is one of the things that drew me to them and made me want to look at them. The artist may have been trying to imply that things can go back to the way they used to be, like in the old times. I thought this because the pictures were in black and while and they look like some of the pictures that I see in my grandmother’s house. She may just be using those pictures to show us that there are still happy things in this world. Her artwork just makes me feel so happy and good.

The second piece that I looked at was a huge painting on a canvas. Chris Davenport did the painting. This piece was an untitled piece. This painting seemed a little dark and gloomy. It seemed like he was trying to portray some form of war in the painting. There looked like there had been some destruction in the city or place that he was trying to make the picture take after. Not all the people in the painting however had sad looks upon their faces. Some of the people in the painting however looked somewhat happy and they were smiling. At the bottom of the picture, there is a man in what looks like a police officer uniform, so I assume that is who it is, and another man and they are looking at something that look like jellyfish. There is a blimp type thing at the top of the painting and it looks like it has been hit with a bomb or something destructive because the back of the blimp is on fire. The artist may be trying to say that he thinks that the world is slowly falling apart and that one-day the world will just be chaos and that it will soon be destructed.

These two artists have done two completely different types of art. One of the pieces is on a tinplate type substance and the other is on a canvas. One is painted and the other is a picture. The painting is more dark and gloomy. It makes me think of sad times and of war. The picture is happier. It makes me think of good times and it make me think of loved ones. When looked at in those manners these pieces have nothing to do with each other. They are completely different pieces. If you look at them in the art perspective, then you can see that they are very much alike. People who took a lot of time and effort to make these pieces what they are did a great job in creating them and making them interesting to look at and study. They most likely have some serious meaning to the people who did them, and they are great pieces of artwork. I give a whole lot f respect to people who can paint and do art like that.

When I look at artwork it always makes me think. I may not know exactly what the artist is trying to tell me, but I do think that I get the majority of what the artists want me to think. I loved looking at all the artwork and I loved the fact that all the artwork was in different styles. The artist all had different styles and they all had the freedom to do whatever they wanted with their work. It was one of the most unique art galleries that I have ever seen. I wish that I could go back and see all the work again. I would strongly recommend going to this gallery, even if you are like me and cannot really tell what the art is supposed to mean, you will still be able to get something out of this art gallery.

In conclusion, I would recommend that everyone go and see this gallery. It doesn’t matter how you feel about art, this gallery will make you think. It may not make you think about the art itself but it will make you think about the world in general. It was a great art exhibit and I would defiantly go again if I had the chance.

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