Tuesday, November 20, 2007

How to Survive a Grizzly Bear Attack
Chelsea Banks

A day in the great outdoors is breathtaking, with rustic mountains, majestic trees, crystal clear waters and…a giant grizzly bear running straight toward you! At this instant, only one question can be running through your mind: "What's the best way to defend yourself if you run into a grizzly while hunting--or if a grizzly tries to run into you?" These are some basic steps you may want to consider upon a bear encounter.

1.) Remain calm if you spot a bear; avoid sudden movements.
2.) Back away slowly, avoid eye contact, and speak to the bear in a calm, quiet
voice. Running might trigger a chase response, and you're not going to
outrun a bear.
3.) Throw something onto the ground (for example, a camera) if the bear
pursues you, as this may distract the bear and allow you to escape.
4.) Keep your backpack on; it may protect your body if you're attacked.
5.) Don't climb a tree. Trees found in grizzly country generally have weak trunks and
lack low branches.
6.) Drop to the ground in the fetal position with your hands behind your neck if
attacked. Stay silent and don't move.
7.) Roll with the bear's blows and return to your motionless fetal position.
8.) Stay quiet and motionless for at least 20 minutes once the bear leaves.
Bears will often watch from a distance and return at the first sign of
9.) Fight back only as a last resort if the bear persists. If you can get to your feet, strike
it in the eyes or on the snout as you slowly back away. If you are carrying a gun, or
any other type of weapon, use it as self-defense.

With these simple steps, it is possible to come out of a bear attack alive or at least with intact limbs. However, these steps cannot guarantee success depending on the severity of the bear encounter. What if these steps are not enough? What if they do not work?
Nearly all authorities on the subject of bear attacks agree that the first two words to think about in this situation are "pepper spray." I am fully aware that some hunters associate pepper spray with politically correct, granola-eating, New Age, tree-hugger crapola. For example, my father is a diligent hunter and simply proclaims "Just give me my gun," and brag, "I'll drop any charging griz like a sack of rocks."
Other hunters are less fanatical on the subject, but simply have serious (and understandable) doubts about the effectiveness of a spray can to stop one of the largest and most dangerous animals in North America. Doesn't it just make sense that a high-caliber bullet is more forceful, and more effective in a life-or-death situation?
It’s a reasonable question, and by no means should hunters dismiss the power and value of their firearms. However, it is so often the case when it comes to bears, the answer is more complex than it first appears.
Studies by biologist Stephen Herrero and others indicate that pepper spray works on charging bears about 90 to 96 percent of the time. Mark Matheny, a hunter who was seriously mauled by a grizzly several years ago while deer hunting north of Yellowstone Park, and who subsequently began a career devoted to bear self-defense and the manufacture of UDAP pepper spray, explains how a mere blast of cayenne aerosol can stop an angry grizzly bear:

"First, with a charging bear the loud hissing and billowing cloud startles them, lessening or turning their aggressive intentions into a state of surprise or even defensive evasion. When a bear hits the wall of fog and breathes it in, his sense of smell is instantly shut down, which confuses any animal. In many cases, they go off hacking and coughing."

For those who believe a gun is still a better bet to stop a bear, Matheny adds:

"Some people think a .44 magnum or large-caliber rifle is going to have the 'power' to stop a bear. But you're talking about a bullet not much wider than a writing pen hitting a vital area. That's assuming you even get a bullet off. You've got to get the gun up, aim, and fire. With pepper spray, you can fire right from the holster, putting up a wide stream, even a fog, of deterrent. You can respond instantly and the likelihood of hitting the bear is much greater."

Another compelling reason for the use of pepper spray instead is that many grizzly charges are not full "attacks," but are only attempts by the bear to discourage and intimidate human intruders. For instance, if you surprise a grizzly feeding on an elk carcass, the bear might charge without intending actual contact. Its purpose is simply to drive you away.
Of course, for those who are not experts at reading bear behavior, it's fair to ask, "How am I supposed to know whether the bear means business or is just bluffing?" This is precisely why pepper spray is a better alternative to gunfire in most situations. With the spray, you can very likely discourage the bear without worsening the situation or elevating it to an irreversibly deadlier level. If the bear breaks through the spray blast, and you're an armed hunter, that is when you resort to self-defense. You still have your gun as a last resort. But if a sprayed bear runs off, the encounter is over. No one is hurt. Conversely, if your first line of defense is a gunshot, and you shoot at the bear, the results will almost always be more severe. If the bear was only bluffing, you have now either killed or wounded a bear unnecessarily. Also possible is that by wounding it you've turned a bluffing bear into a seriously enraged one, intent on killing you! Another scenario: You shoot at an attacking bear and--because they come so fast, unbelievably fast if you've never experienced it, often catching you in utter surprise--you simply miss. The bear is on you. What you missed with bullets you could have easily hit with pepper spray.
In the end, the ideal is to protect yourself while sparing the bears, whenever that's possible.

Paper #5

Kylie Dekin
Adam Weinstein
English 101-099
21 November 2007

How to Survive Mardi Gras

Beads, moon pies, cups galore! Music playing, people dancing, huge floats rolling, and fancy balls! This is a little taste of Mardi Gras; a holiday celebrated in the Gulf parts of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. My family and I had to learn the Mardi Gras holiday traditions when we moved to Fairhope, Alabama from Atlanta, Georgia. And trust me there is a lot to learn and may take more than one Mardi Gras season to have the skills of surviving this French holiday right away. You have to learn how to make a king cake, the right trinkets to catch, the bag to use, and the type of clothes to wear. It is a lot to take in but is totally worth it.

You may be wondering what beads and moon pies are. Beads are the plastic beaded necklaces that come in many different colors, sizes, and shapes. People have contests to see how many beads they can catch and wear around their neck. After a week of celebrating, you will have consumed thousands of strands of beaded necklaces that you will not know what to do with. Moon pies are soft chocolate covered graham crackers with a marshmallow center. They come in a banana, vanilla, and orange flavor. The orange is disgusting just keep them on the street. Floats will also throw tons of cups. These are good souvenirs and become a great kitchen accessory. Mardi Gras cups are what my family uses for their fancy glassware.

First, you need to know a little history about Mardi Gras. Mardi Gras is a Roman Catholic holiday that starts on the night of Epiphany, a feast on January 6, and ends the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, also known as Fat Tuesday. The French brought it to the Gulf Coast of America. Most of the resources say Mardi Gras started in the French influenced town of New Orleans but it really originated in Mobile, Alabama. People, down in this area, fight about where the holiday originated all the time. They have this holiday to celebrate, eat, and drink before Lent, forty days of fasting, started. Mardi Gras means “Fat Tuesday” in French. The parades start the Wednesday before Ash Wednesday and last until Fat Tuesday (Mardi).

We always started off our Mardi Gras holiday by making a delicious king cake. A king cake is no ordinary cake. It is ring shaped made of crescent rolls and cream cheese. Sometimes people put fruit such as apples, blueberries, and peaches into the cream cheese. It is decorated with green, purple, and yellow sugar, melted cream cheese and beads. Some king cakes are more elaborate than others. The cool thing about king cakes is that there is a little plastic baby in the cake. Whoever gets the slice with the baby in it has to make the next king cake. There is a little history about the king cake also. The cake was made to celebrate the Magi visiting the Christ child on the 12th night of Epiphany (King’s). The baby represents the child of Christ (King’s). It takes a lot of practice to make a good king cake. My first king cake that I attempted to make looked like a big cream cheese blob because I did not roll the crescent rolls just right; but it was still delicious.

Now for the best part of Mardi Gras: the parade. We will be attending the OOMM women’s parade in Fairhope. The first thing is what to wear. I would recommend a comfortable pair of jeans and shirt and a jacket. Do not wear green, yellow, or purple clothes because then you just look like a tourist or as we call them the “Snow Bird”. You want to look like a pro and not an idiot. Do not wear heels, Birkenstocks, or any backless shoe. You will probably be doing some kind of running whether it is running with a float or running after a kid who stole your moon pie. Sometimes it gets so cold that when you catch a huge strand of beads it stings your fingers. For this reason, you may want to bring a pair of gloves. Make sure that your hands and fingers will be able to move easily.

Next on the list is what kind of bag to bring to put all of your catches in. Now, if you are one of those people who just like to stand and watch do not bring a bag. All you have to do is put the beads that you want around your neck and the occasional chocolate moon pie in your pocket and give everything else to the winey kid next to you. If you want to catch just a little bit more than one moon pie and a couple of cups then bring a plastic grocery bag. If you plan to be the aggressive type and try to catch everything you possibly can, which basically means you will knock that poor winey kid down to get a green strand of beads, you should bring a pillow case. I always thought this was the most sufficient. My brother and I thought we were so cool because we had our special Mardi Gras pillowcases. My mom let us decorate a white pillowcase just to use on this holiday. Plus, a pillowcase is not too big and not too little. Some of my friends preferred using big Nike duffle bags. Just do not forget you are going to have to carry your bag the whole time and they will be heavy by the end of the night.

Since were going to the women’s parade you want to stand close to the front. Some of the women can throw but most of them do not. So time wise you probably want to be at the parade forty five minutes to an hour early. I was lucky to live in downtown Fairhope so my family and I could walk to the parades. However, if you are driving parking can be an issue. You defiantly want to give another 30 minutes to find a parking place.

While you are waiting for the parade to start, just stand back and watch the crowd. You have to make sure you hold your spot well because some of those annoying kids and/or the grumpy snowbirds will try to push you out of it. Also, you have think of what you really want to catch, that big item that makes your night. For the girls it is a guarder or a rose. For the guys it is the football or the lacy underwear. And it is a really big deal to catch a big or really any kind of stuff animal. I am not really sure what the big deal is about the stuff animals because they just go in the trash or in a big box in the attic at the end of the week. Just get ready for the jumping, the pulling of hair, and the elbows in the stomach because it can get pretty rough and gruff. I saw an old lady snowbird from Green Bay tackle a five-year-old girl for a hot pink pair of beads. Pretty intense!

You will be amazed as you see these massive elaborate floats ride down the street. Each year there is a different theme and the floats abide by the theme. The women riding the floats wear funky costumes and masks. The big rule is that you cannot take off your mask. They will be fined a great amount of money if they are caught taking off their masks. You will be showered with moon pies, colorful strands of beads, candy, cups, coins, and much more. You will not get much though if you do not holler, dance, jump, or yell because they will only throw a lot if they see a lot of spirit. By the end of the night your pillowcase, grocery bag, or pockets will be filled.

When the parade is over you will walk back to your car or house with barley a voice from all of the hollering. When you get back to the house, dump all of your catches in a big pile on the floor. My brother and I use to do this to see who got the most overall and then would divide it into different categories: who got the most beads, cups, stuff animals, coins, or moon pies. Then when we got bored with that, we would make our moon pie sandwiches. This is a killer treat that you have to make. Take a chocolate moon pie or any flavor that you like the most and put it in a bowl or plate. Stick it in the microwave for about forty five seconds or until warm and gooey. Make sure to take the wrapper off because I almost blew up the microwave. Then put a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream on it and you have one giant ice cream s’more. It is so delicious. Or you can just finish your king cake.

That is how a day of Mardi Gras celebration is done, parade and all. As you can tell, there are a lot of pointers and steps to know to make your day go well. It is such a fun and spirited holiday that you do not want to miss out. I am so glad that I get to experience this French holiday every year. So the next time you are in my area be sure to catch a parade. Just put on your comfortable clothes, grab a bag, hold your spot, and scream, “Throw me a moon pie, moon pie!”

Works Citied
"Mardi Gras History." The History Channel. 20 Nov. 2007 <http://www.history.com/minisites/mardigras/viewPage?pageId=739>.

"King's Cake Recipe." History Channel. 20 Nov. 2007 <http://www.history.com/minisite.do?content_type=Minisite_Generic&content_type_id=741&display_order=3&mini_id=1080>.

How to Survive the Freshman Fifteen

Everyone has heard of the “freshman fifteen.” When I was younger, people would tell stories about how especially during their first semester of college, they gained between 10-20 pounds. They made it out to be a horrible thing and that there was no way to avoid gaining that weight. But if you follow theses steps, it will ensure that you do not gain the freshman fifteen.

Step One: Eat Right
We all know that you need a balanced meal to maintain healthy. Be sure to eat a a good amount of grains. Grains include food like bread, cereal, crackers, rice, and pasta. Grains provide you with your carbohydrates. To make this healthier, look for whole grain products. Next, be sure to have dairy products, which give you your calcium. This will include things like milk, cheese, and yogurt. To be healthy, make sure it is low-fat or fat-free. The next thing you should eat are vegetables. Make sure that you eat different types of vegetables, like dark green vegetables, orange vegetables, starchy vegetables, dry beans and peas, and then any other kind of vegetable. Then you should eat fruits. You should eat a variety of fruit and you can choose from fresh, frozen, canned, or dried; although fresh would be the healthiest. You should avoid fruit juice that isn’t 100% juice. Vegetables and fruit provide your body with nutrients like dietary fiber, potassium, folate (folic acid), vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin C. Next, eat meats and beans. These provide you with protein, B vitamins (niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, and B6), vitamin E, iron, zinc, and magnesium. You should always choose low-fat or lean meats and poultry. If at all possible, bake, broil, or grill the meat and try to avoid deep-frying it. Try to vary your choices—with more fish, beans, nuts, peas, and seeds. The group you should have the least of is oils, or fats. Be sure to know your fats, and which types are bad for you. Polyunsaturated fats (which are the good type) contain some fatty acids that are necessary for health called the “essential fatty acids.” Make most of your fat sources from fish, nuts, and vegetable oils. Limit the solid fats like butter, stick margarine, shortening, and lard. Along with eating the right types of food, be sure not to eat too late at night. It is said that after you eat, you should wait three hours before falling asleep. This lets your stomach completely digest your food.

Step Two: Exercise
You should make it a regular habit to go to the gym at least two to three times a week. The gym offers a wide variety of things for you to choose from. There is a climbing wall, racquetball courts, basketball courts, volleyball courts, badminton courts, a squash court, 1/8 mile track, indoor pool, outdoor pool, free weights, weight machines, elllipticals, treadmills, immobile bikes, steppers. Along with all of that, there are also 3 studio rooms, where faculty teach classes like cardio, mind-body, strength, and dance. These classes include things like kickboxing, yoga, BOSU step, water aerobics, Abs and back, and hip-hop. I have only been able to go to one class so far, but when I went I liked it. One of my friends went to the hip-hop class even though she can’t dance, she said she had a lot of fun. Even if you have a test to study for, you can still go to the gym. I have been working out before and then look to the side and see a girl on the elliptical reading over their notes for the class.

Step Three: Watch your drinking
It is a good idea not to drink alcohol because it is mainly just “empty calories.” This means that it has no nutritional value. Yes, drinking with your friends can be a lot of fun, if you are serious about making sure you don’t gain the freshman fifteen, you should think about cutting out or at least reducing your intake of alcohol. If you want, you can make days where you aren’t going to drink or are going to just drink a little bit. Just think about the facts; a regular beer has about 148 calories in a pint while a light beer has 99. Dry wine has about 106 calories and sweeter wine has about 226 calories. Double shot 80 proof has 97 calories and double shot 100 proof has 124 calories. As far as mixed drinks go, a bloody mary has 115 calories, gin and tonic has 171, pina colada has 262, and a whiskey sour has 122.

As long as you watch watch you eat and try not to eat too many greasy, fried foods, eat anything late at night, go to the gym on a regular basis, and watch what and how much of it your drinking, you should have no problems not gaining the freshman fifteen.

how to plan a birthday party

Planning a birthday a party can be fun and exciting. The anticipation that the planner feels waiting for the reaction of the birthday person’s reaction brings as much, if not more joy, than the actual birthday person’s acknowledgement of the party. When planning a party there are many important details to be remembered: theme, location, guest list, decorations, and menu. Organization is a major in key for things to run smoothly. As the party planner you should begin by writing out a to-do list, guest being the first priority.

When choosing a guest list it is crucial to invite only those who you are sure the birthday fellow will enjoy. By inviting people whose company is unwanted drama is likely to follow. Also keep in mind that you can never invite to many people, because more than likely half will not show up and those who do just might bring a friend along. Therefore you are likely to only have seventy-five percent of people show.

Next it’s time to decide on the date, place, and time of the party. Most parties take place on the weekends for the convenience of working class; however, if permitted you can have a party scheduled during the week. Be sure that the party does not conflict with the birthday person’s schedule, because they have priority. After all what’s a birthday party without it being somebody’s birthday? Once you have picked a date and time check to make sure your location will be available. Try choosing a place that you know your guest of honor will love, such as a favorite park or familiar hang out spot or even a place that has special sentimental value for the person. After you have confirmed that the date, place, and time are all available it is time to choose a theme.

The theme is where you get ideas for your decorations, invitations, and even games. The theme is especially crucial when sending out invitations. Depending on what the invitation says it can tell your guest what type of party to expect i.e. water party, skate, costume, etc. So you want to be sure that both your theme and invitation match up. This also helps make planning and preparations simpler, because the choices are narrowed down. When choosing a theme be sure it is age appropriate and one that everyone will feel neutral about. Once chosen buy decorations to match.

After choosing a theme it will be time to decide on a menu, which should be the easiest part of all. Finger foods are always a great route to go, because they are simple and you have a wide range to pick from. Many grocery stores have delis that will cater. However if budget is an issue you can prepare simple platters such as fruit plates, sandwich trays, cheese and cracker trays, and vegetable trays. If you’re throwing a party for a younger age group chips and hot dogs are always a winner. This is also the time to order the cake. The cake should match the theme or be a symbol of the birthday person’s favorite character or hobby. Also you should provide a variety of decaffeinated and caffeinated drinks, water, juice, and alcohol if age appropriate.

To ensure your guests will have a jolly time have great entertainment planned. DJ’s are generally a great choice, but they can be costly. DJ’s allow your guests and guest of honor to show off their latest move and enjoy their favorite songs. If you need entertainment that fits your budget better try planning games such as, pin the tale on the donkey, cake walk, horse shoes, dominoes, spades, and piñata. When choosing games your options are basically endless so long as they are age appropriate and fit your budget. So use your imagination and be creative, also improvise whenever needed.

Finally send out your invites be sure to include an r.s.v.p with a deadline. Make sure the deadline is at least a week before the party. This will allow you time to make changes if necessary. Include an end note informing your guest that food and drinks will be provided, however a light meal before hand is encouraged. Once your r.s.v.p. deadline has come you can decide if you need to order more or less food and party favors.

Planning a birthday party is simple it just requires time and dedication. Not only are they simple, but they can be quite inexpensive so long as you budget properly. If you follow these steps your planning will go stress and hassle free. And as you run over a few last minute details and await the arrival of guest, relax and breathe; your party will have a great turn out and be the talk of the town.

How to enjoy Mardi Gras in Mobile

Jared Sims
Adam Weinstein
English 101
20 November 2007

Mardi Gras was my most anticipated holiday as a child. Mardi Gras originated in my home city of Mobile, AL. All true mobilians know that the holiday did not begin in New Orleans but instead Mobile. Mardi Gras literal translation is Fat Tuesday which is French. Fat Tuesday is the main day of the holiday when the most parades ride. Revelers and Vendors began preparing for this holiday months in advance. Mardi Gras colors are green, gold, and purple. Weeks before the season starts you will begin to notice decorations throughout Mobile. As you drive through neighborhoods, you begin to notice flags and beads strewn everywhere. Stores decorate their windows, signs, and have special sales for the holiday. Parades vary depending on which organization is riding on that certain night. The magnitude of the crowd at parades all depends on the amount of throws they normally distribute. Throws range from moon pies, to beads, to candy, but sometimes you will catch something and just think, “What the hell?” The cost to join an organization varies depending on which you are attempting to join. If you want to enjoy Mardi Gras take note.

1) Parking

Parking is generally bad considering the high volume of people trying to squeeze into downtown Mobile. If you aren’t a big fan of walking I would suggest you to arrive at least an hour early to any parade. The best parking, depending on what area you prefer to stand in, is normally in the Mobile Civic Center or on Water Street. Parades follow three different routes depending on the day and parade. The easiest way to find out where the parades run is to either look on the internet or in the newspaper. If you know where to stand in advance, you can catch the parade twice.

2) Location

A hard core reveler observes his surroundings once he finds a place to stand. There are several questions you must ask yourself once you find a place to stand. The three key questions are listed as follows: Are there any balconies overhead? Is there anything that I can elevate myself on? Are there a lot of tall people in my area? Are there any skanks sitting on their boyfriends shoulders wearing low cut shirts? Balconies seem to attract a lot of attention for drunken people on floats. It almost seems as if the float rider’s goals are to see how much they can pelt onto a balcony before they pass it. If you are standing under a balcony I suggest that you move unless you want to go home empty handed. Elevation is also a key to catching throws, unless you are ugly or deformed. Look for objects that you can elevate yourself on to make you stand out from the rest of the crowd. Tall people are a reveler’s nightmare. Always observe the people in your immediate area to make sure you aren’t standing by Lurch or Shaquille O’Neal. Tall people seem to squeeze their way into crowds of shorter people disrupting the flow of throws in the area. Every parade I have been to there has always been some skank wearing a low cut shirt with her belly button showing that has hopped up on her boyfriends shoulders to attract attention from float riders. The float riders see a beautiful young lady thanks to beer goggles and pelt this skank with all of their throws. I would suggest either staying either very far from the skank or in front of her to grab her throws.

3) Acquiring Throws

Technique is critical if you want to come home with a large amount of throws. Certain people take catching throws more seriously than others. If you are one of the serious ones you need to make sure you are following certain steps. Notice every float coming before it gets to you. Watch which riders are throwing the most throws. As the float begins to near, you will notice people with signs with random names on them. You can assume that these random names are people that the sign-holder knows that are on the float. If possible, stand as close to the sign-holder as possible, preferably in front of them. Attempt to get whoever is throwing the most throws attention. As throws begin to coast through the air there are several things you must take into account. You are standing shoulder to shoulder with people all around you. The goal of all the people you are standing around is the same as yours, to catch whatever is in the air. You must time your jump right if you want to beat competition. Do not be humble, do whatever you have to get throws. My most successful parades where I have caught a large quantity of throws are owed to my uncanny ability to snatch things away from people. I would have to suggest attending parades with groups of friends in case an unruly reveler gets angry about you snatching throws or being in their way.

4) Post-Parade Activities

After parades, one of two things to do is stroll around downtown. Downtown Mobile offers a variety of things to do during the Mardi Gras season. People generally associate downtown with being a strict adult venue, but I had some of the best times of my life in downtown Mobile when I was still in grade school. Dauphin Street is the center of all attention during Mardi Gras. People line balconies and throw beads on revelers as they mingle in the street. Radio stations set up on balconies of bars, generally accompanied by topless girls to attract a crowd. Bars are plentiful in downtown Mobile and suit a variety of audiences.

5) Exiting

Exiting big events is some people’s worst nightmare. Revelers angry from not catching enough throws are normally going to exhibit some type of road rage so you must be careful. Downtown Mobile is not the easiest place to maneuver around after parades. The faster you get to your car the quicker you will get out of the area. People that come from Mississippi and Florida use Interstate 10 to head home. I have found from experience that if you exit using the new Interstate 65, you will avoid a lot of traffic. As you exit, sit back, relax, and think of how fun of a time you just had at Mardi Gras in Mobile.

How to Survive Sorority Recruitment

Meredith Streppa
Adam Weinstein
English 101
21 November 2007
Since the 1800’s sorority recruitment has played a large role in young women’s lives. Entering college is a large adjustment in and of itself, yet young women all over the United States plunge into the challenge of sorority rush. For women who choose to pledge a sorority this creates a lifetime of opportunities and sisterly bonds that last forever. In this essay, girls from across the country will learn how to survive the stress, excitement, and happiness of rush at the University of Alabama.
Step One: Application process
If you are planning to go through rush, you must sign up and fill out an application during the summer before you enter college. This application explains activities, interests, etc. that you participated in during high school. It gives the Panhellenic Association more information about you. The Panhellenic Association is the association that monitors sororities around the country. They make certain that sororities are following rules, and keeping current on important events. After the application process, you must find numerous women who were members of sororities and are now alumni to write a letter of recommendation. Where will a girl find alumni of these sororities? Many women find them through friends, grandparents, parents, work friends, etc. It is suggested ladies going through rush attach a resume along with a picture for the alumni to write this “rec”. After the “recs” are completed the alumni send them to their respective sororities.
Step Two: Shop, Shop, Shop:
While going through rush it is imperative that you look your best. Many girls buy several new designer dresses such as Lilly Pulitzer, Caché, Allen Schwartz, and many more. Now, if you are on a tight budget, you can of course find dresses that are not expensive and still cute. Dress you should look for should be age appropriate, conservative, and classy. They should portray that you are interested in joining sorority life, and would represent that greek organization well.
Step Three: Rush Week
As you are unpacking your things into your new dorm room, you are probably anxiously awaiting the week ahead. Seven days of stress, happiness, and pointless conversations of what you did in high school, and how hot it is outside will fill the majority of your week. The first two days are seven or eight, fifteen minute parties called “Ice water and tea”. As you approach your first house, you are most likely wondering how it will turn out. Think long and hard about your surroundings. Also, make sure you pay attention to the house, the girls, and the environment. You never know, you could be spending the next four years in this house. As a large group lines up outside the door, the sorority doors swing open with nearly two hundred women singing about how their sorority is the one for you. Do not be afraid that right when you walk in the door everyone is screaming your name and you are confused where to go. Just keep walking and eventually a girl guides you and the awkward conversation begins. You should basically brag about what you did in high school, what you are majoring in, and the weather in 99% of the houses. After these two days are over, you can basically answer the questions before the greek women ask them. Before the next two days, you will go to a computer lab and find out who cut you, and who you would like to cut from recruitment. This is a very nerve-racking time for all the women going through recruitment. Many girls get cut by several sororities, while some get cut from none. Remain calm and if you get cut from some of the houses, do not worry, you probably did not want to be a part of them anyway. After the cuts, the next two days should be spent in comfortable clothes. All the girls will be wearing the designated recruitment t-shirt with all of the sororities on the back, flip-flops, and shorts. These two days are spent to have more awkward conversations, as well as to get to know the philanthropy of the sororities. Everything is basically the same as the previous two days, just in a more laid back environment. Make sure your personality shines through your nervousness. The girls have to judge you on your conversation, so make sure you have a good chat with them. The morning after the philanthropy days is utilized for cuts, yet again. After the cuts, girls dress to the nines just like the first two days and get ready for skit day. Skit day is a favorite of many. Each skit shows the personality of the sorority. Make sure you look like you are interested because the girls in the skit are watching your reactions. Also, you are allowed to relax. There really is no pressure on this day; the sorority is trying to impress you, not vice versa. After the skit you have another short conversation but that is really it. After you visit seven houses, you walk to the computer lab to make cuts. Make sure you think hard about three houses in which you can see yourself. Think: What house can I walk into and feel at home? After skit day, comes preference day. Once again, dress in a nice dress and make sure that your hair and makeup is done nicely. When you go to your three favorite houses, members tell you how much they want you in their sorority and how their house is the place for you. Make sure you make an effort to explain to each girl you talk to that you love their house, and you can see yourself as a member of their sorority. You do not want them to cut you because you said you liked one house over another. You should give all of the houses the same impression so that they all want to have you as a new member. After the three parties, think hard about which house you really loved the most. You will have to walk to the computer lab and rank your houses in order. The first is your favorite, second your second favorite and so on. Make sure you know which one you really want to be in and put that one first. More times than none you will get your first choice pick.
Step Four: Bid Day
When you wake up on Sunday morning, you will be filled with nervousness and excitement to discover your new sorority. During the day, your parents will probably come to help you celebrate receiving your bid. You should spend the day with your family. Go out to lunch, buy some things at the grocery store, and relax. This day is meant to be exciting, not stressful. Around 5:00 you will enter the stadium with all the other girls that went through recruitment. As they hand out your bid in a small envelope they make you sit on it so you can not see which house you are in. After a ten minute talk about how great each girl is, and how much fun you will have the next four years, you can finally open your bid. After you see open your bid, you leave the stadium and run to that house where they greet you with open arms. The rest is history.
Sororities are such a big part in a young woman’s life. Take advantage of them, and enjoy it as much as you possibly can. It will go by fast, so have as much fun as you can, make as many friends, and meet as many people as humanly possible. If you follow these steps you will be sure to join a greek organization, make 200 new “sisters” in one day, and have a blast during your college years.

How to Survive Camping

Marian Acee

English 101

Adam Weinstein

20 November 2007

"How to Survive Camping"

During this time of year, one of my favorite activities is camping. Some people like it, some people don’t, or some just do not understand how to correctly go about it. Camping is a chance to escape all of your problems and experience the world on your own with no distractions. It gives you a sense of freedom, peace and relaxation. It is so much more than it seems and I believe everyone should experience it. Nature is something a lot of people take for granted. Day by day, little by little, it is disappearing before our very eyes. Camping is a way to see what we are missing and learn to appreciate nature as it is, not for what it is becoming.

There are several different ways to go about camping, but I believe this way is very effective. First and foremost, you must plan your trip. When going camping you must investigate the area you will be visiting. The location cannot be noisy or close to anything you are use to because that would defeat the purpose of camping right? NO buildings, NO five star hotels, etc. Any place that you should want to go should take a good twenty to thirty minute drive. Try to find somewhere exotic and beautiful, somewhere you can hike to an amazing waterfall, or witness wild life first hand (just try to stay away from extreme wildlife..esp bears) . But, there is also camping in private campgrounds. These include bathing facilities, outlets, running water, etc. But, that takes the fun out of camping. You begin to feel like you are camping out in your backyard. When camping, you want to experience true nature. Nature is not for everyone though. So when deciding on your location, ask yourself a few simple questions: Is it important to have full showers? Can I stand not having bathrooms and running water? Can I go without having stores right around the corner? Also, take into consideration the time of year you are planning on going. Weather is very important during camping. You want your experience to be the best it could possibly be.

After planning your trip, make a list of all the camping equipment you will need.. Start off your list with kitchen gear.
1.) Food
2.) Water
3.) Dishes
4.) Cups
5.) Eating Utensils
6.) Skillet
7.) Two Burner Stove
8.) Ecologically Friendly Soap
9.) Plastic Containers
10.) Cooler and Ice

Listed above are some the main items you will need for preparing food during your trip. Consider taking dishes and utensils that can be washed and reused. Make sure you bring along metal or wooden utensils. Since you will be using most of them around the fire or stove, plastic utensils will not work too well. Along the way, pick up a couple of gallon sized water containers for cleaning your pots after eating. You will then need your sleeping arrangement list:
1.) Tent
2.) Tent Cover
3.) Pillow
4.) Sleeping Bag
5.) Sleeping Pad

Consider how many people you have joining you on your trip when deciding on tent sizes and sleeping bags. Tents that usually say they will fit three people, fit two. So, when deciding on tents, make sure to add another person to your total when deciding on them. Considering the time of year, make sure your tent is properly ventilated. Make sure you purchase a tent cover large enough to cover everyone’s tents. A tent cover is placed above a tent in case of rain or other mishaps. Also, check the temperature rating on your sleeping bags. Sleeping pads are used to place under your sleeping bag for more comfort and warmth. After your sleeping arrangement list, comes the essential camping list:
1.) Flashlight
2.) Lantern
3.) Bug Repellent
4.) Battery Operated Radio
5.) Propane Cylinders (for your two burner stove and lantern)
6.) Lighters and Lighter fluid
7.) Firewood
8.) Knife
9.) Citronella Candle
10.) First-Aid kit
11.) Toiletries
12.) Aluminum Foil and zip lock bags (for food)
13.) Kayak or Canoe (if wanting to get into the water)
14.) Clothes, Swimwear
15.) Fleece Blanket
16.) Soap and Shampoo
17.) Backpack (in case of hiking)

These are some of the most crucial items you will need. Make sure you always bring warm clothes in case of the change in weather. Also, you might want to bring cards or something of the sort, to play at night if you reach boredom (hopefully that won‘t happen)! After you have made your list, it is time to start packing your car. Make sure you always pack the largest things first and the smallest last. Try taking a SUV or a truck that has a lot of empty space. If there is not enough room for everyone in one car, make sure the other person drives a bigger car also so they can fit equipment too. If at all possible, try to take one car. You are going to be traveling through nature and the last thing you want to do is pollute it. After all the packing is finished, you are off for your adventure.

When traveling to your location, make sure to make all your last minute stops before you get too far. When arriving, try to find a flat spot to place your tent. When unloading, begin with the largest things you will have to set up. For instance, your tent or kayak/canoe (if you brought one). Remove your kayak/canoe from the top of your car and place it somewhere near your car. Then, remove your tent from the slip it is in, read the instructions carefully, and your tent should be up in no time. If it is your first time setting one up, it might take a few tries, but you will get the hang of it. Once all the tents are set up, place the tent cover over the tents, making sure it covers both of them properly. After the cover is set up, unload your sleeping equipment and place it in your tent. Next, unload all your firewood and cooking utensils. Place the firewood somewhere close, but do not start a fire until the sun goes down. You want to conserve as much of it as possible. You will want to get your cooler and ice out and load all the food and drinks into it. By now, it is probably time to unload the smaller things such as bug repellent, lighters and lighter fluid, lanterns, pots and skillets and etc. Most of the time it is better to keep all your clothes, toiletries, first-aid kit and etc. in the car. Especially your clothes, in case of rain! As the night and trip progresses, you will remove all your other equipment when it is needed. When you are cooking, always make sure to place your food back into the cooler so it will not get old. Also, make sure you wash your cooking utensils properly. Use the ecologically friendly soap and make sure to boil the water you wash your pots and pans with. That way, all the bacteria is removed properly. When disposing your scraps, always make sure to place them in the fire or in a plastic bag. But, do so immediately or you will have all sorts of critters visiting you! Whatever garbage you accumulate during your visit, make sure it comes back with you, or is disposed of correctly. Always make sure to be very careful with your fire, an unattended fire can eventually turn disastrous. By following these few simple steps, your camping trip has begun and you should be on your way to having the time of your life. Camping is a way of life for some people, and hopefully the love of nature will spread to other people. When camping, always remember, “take only pictures, leave only footprints.”

How to Survive Your First Semester of College

Maria Gagliano
English 101
Adam Weinstein
19 November 2007

Moving away from home, parties, and no more parent’s rules all sound like a blast, right? Well, there is one word missing from that list, and that is school. College is the definition of learning how to balance all of these things. For those of you who are still in high school, mainly you seniors, people will preach to you about how hard your first semester will be, and you will probably just brush that off, but it is true. As I wrap up my own first semester at the University of Alabama, I have personally witnessed the rush of “college life” take over some of my friends. While the adjustment from high school like to college life was difficult, I managed to learn how to balance a social life with my school life.

Dorm life, enough said. Okay, just kidding. At the University of Alabama, all incoming freshmen are required to live in a dorm. Towards the end of your senior year you must sign up with your roommate for your dorm, and let me just say from personal experience, no best friends as roommates; it will not work out and chances are that both of you will not come out friends. I have lived in Tutwiler, which is an all girls dorm, for my first semester; I hated it, simple as that. I came into this year thinking dorm life was a good idea, but I was wrong. The only good thing about Tutwiler is that it is so convenient for everything. It gets really tough sharing a room the size of a shoe box with someone else because in that shoe box you have your bedroom, kitchen, and living room all packed into one. It sucks. Oh, and I cannot forget the stall showers that are really disgusting. Wearing shower shoes gets real old real fast, and running from the bathroom to your room wrapped in a towel while guys may be visiting can be a little awkward. Also, dorms are not a quiet place for studying; I could hear my neighbor’s whole conversation through the walls because they are so thin. If it is at all possible for you to get out of having to live in a dorm, I strongly advise it because I myself cannot make a whole year in Tutwiler, and I am moving into an apartment for my second semester.

Moving away from home and learning to live on your own brings lots of excitement to incoming freshmen. There is no more mom and dad to watch over your every move, and no one to make sure that you do what you are supposed to do. This is when you must learn self-discipline. Know when it is okay to go out and party and when it is not. Learn when you need to start studying because procrastination is a problem among all college students. College is much different from high school and most people cannot make it in college by repeating what they did in high school. Time management is a key factor to having a successful first semester as well as your whole college career.

All incoming freshmen are also required to attend Bama Bound in the summer, and believe me it is boring, but this is where you will make your own class schedule. College class schedules are much different than high school schedules; you may have a nine o’clock AM class, but then not another until one o’clock PM. You will learn to love the time between classes because it becomes very beneficial for extra studying or catching up on homework. When you make your schedules, my first piece of advice is to not do early classes. I made the mistake of scheduling an eight o’clock AM class my first semester, and trust me that is way too early for my brain to be functioning. Next, once classes have begun, make the effort to get to know your teachers, introduce yourself, and show them that you really care about doing well in that class.

If you were one who got by in high school without paying attention in class then you better train those to ears to listen because lectures are very important in college, and some teachers even throw clues in their lectures about tests, this is information you will not find in your text book. Your note taking skills will also improve as the classes go by. My first couple of weeks, I was not one of the best note takers, but that has defiantly changed since I have been at the University.

It is very important to not wait until the day before, or even the day of, to start studying for a big test. It is just plain dumb, and impossible to cram all of what you need to know for the test right before you go in to take it. Review your notes every night to keep the material fresh on your mind; it will not take but fifteen minutes out of your night. Making flash cards seems childish and old school, but flash cards are worth the trouble. I have learned to make the library my friend, and I am sure you will too. Balancing school life with a social life is the hardest part of the first semester.

Many incoming freshmen are going to be pledges for their sorority or fraternity for almost half of their first semester. This means lots of hours will be spent at their house to prepare for initiation. There will be swaps, when a fraternity and sorority will dress up just to party and drink with each other, mostly every Tuesday and Thursday night, and there are pledge parties on the other nights. Pledge parties are when the pledge classes of a fraternity and a sorority get together to party as well and meet new people. This means that there is usually a party every night of the week and you must learn to discipline yourself. For most people, there is no way you can go out every night and make the grades you really want and need. Do not forget that school is the reason you went away for college, not partying every single night. Your friends will not hate you if you do not go out a night or two; plus, if you drink every night then you have the freshmen fifteen to worry about, and that is when the recreation center should become your new home because no one wants to worry about gaining all of that weight.

Balance and time management are every freshmen’s keys to a successful first semester. Seniors in high school, get ready for a fun first semester, and try your hardest to not let the stress of everything overwhelm you. Remember, do not procrastinate.

How to Survive Ole Miss and Saints games

Barrett Ford

Paper #5: How To…

Growing up in Jackson, Mississippi there were two teams that I always pulled for: The New Orleans Saints and the Ole Miss Rebels. Since before I was born I had connections with these two teams. My parents had lived in New Orleans and had started getting season tickets before they moved to Jackson and continued buying season tickets after they moved away from New Orleans. They were also both Ole Miss alumni having gone to school at Medical Center in Jackson. The other Ole Miss connection I had was that most of the people that lived around us in Jackson were Ole Miss fans with a few Mississippi State fans mixed in. Needless, to say I have been to my fair share of football games at Ole Miss and in New Orleans. (For the Ole Miss side of things we will deal only with football games, since that is the sport I have seen the most there. Although, I have also been to my fair share of Ole Miss baseball and basketball games.) This essay will help to serve as a guide to anyone who might be planning to attend one of these two events. We will also discuss some of the important differences between Ole Miss and Saints games since there are obvious differences between going to an NFL game and a college football game.

The first and most important step to surviving at an Ole Miss or Saints game is to enjoy yourself when you’re not actually at the game. Oxford and New Orleans are very different places, but they are both great towns to have a good time in. New Orleans is widely known for its great food and partying; and Oxford is a small, picturesque college town that revolves around Ole Miss and its athletic events. The key is to take advantage of the fact that you are in these towns and to find something fun to do besides just going to the game. My personal suggestion is to make a weekend out of your trip to either Oxford or New Orleans because there is always something to do on Friday and Saturday night in both of these towns. In Oxford you have the option of going to a fraternity party, enjoying yourself at a bar or restaurant on the town square (more commonly referred to as The Square), or just hanging out with your friends or family. In New Orleans you can walk around the French Quarter and go to any number of the countless bars available or have a nice, sit-down dinner at one of the amazing restaurants around town. Whatever you do, just enjoy yourself in Oxford or New Orleans because the towns themselves are half the experience of going to an Ole Miss or Saints game.

Let’s be honest. A large part of the reason that the social scene surrounding football games in Oxford or New Orleans is so important is because the Saints and Ole Miss are so used to losing. And as a fan of these teams it is always important to keep one thing in mind: expect to lose. As soon as you walk into the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans or Vaught-Hemingway Stadium in Oxford a loss by your team is what you have to expect to see. Otherwise, you will only be disappointed. Don’t hang your head or have a bad attitude, but enjoy yourself despite your expectations. I know this may sound contradictory, but expecting to lose while having a positive attitude is essential. Because, even though there have been a few good seasons (the 2003 Ole Miss team or the 2006 Saints team for example) continuing to expect losing along with a positive outlook makes the few wins you do witness that much better.

Along with being a fan of any team comes pestering and annoying fans of rival teams. This especially holds true when a fan of losing teams because it makes your right to look down on or trash talk opposing fans that much more difficult. This is why it is key to go ahead and get it out of the way before the actual game starts because you probably won’t be able to do any verbal bashing after the game. To put it more simply: get your trash talking done before kickoff. At Ole Miss this especially holds true with LSU fans. Make sure to get all the yelling and arguing out of your system on Friday night and Saturday before the game, because Ole Miss hasn’t beaten LSU since 2001, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen anytime soon. Here’s another tip when dealing with LSU fans: the only thing worse than an LSU fan is an intoxicated LSU fan. When dealing with one, make sure to hold your ground and make it known that you are a proud Ole Miss fan. But, for your own safety don’t make any unnecessary advances towards a drunk LSU fan because, if provoked, they will fight you, and they’re probably going to bring a few friends with them.

In New Orleans, the fans that you will probably have the most encounters with are Atlanta Falcons fans. Atlanta-New Orleans has been a rivalry for a long time and for this reason Saints and Falcons fans don’t have much affection towards each other. As opposed to dealing with LSU fans in Oxford, there is a much better chance of the Saints actually beating the Falcons (in recent years anyway). From 2003-2007 the Saints own a six to three edge in head-to-head competition. This makes trash talking much easier and also allows for some verbal attacks after the game. However, Atlantans have a slight edge in fighting skill over New Orleanians, so the key is to outnumber them if a tussle does break out. My general suggestion is to avoid fighting wherever possible when dealing with Atlanta or LSU fans. Only use physical attacks if your own safety is on the line, remember that verbal attacks are always fair game, and hope to high heaven that your team can do some talking for you on the field come game time.

Other than the essential topics listed above, there a few, more minor things that must also be taken into account. Tailgating should be done before the games (and after if desired). Tailgating at Ole Miss is world-renowned and The Grove (the area where all the tailgating is done) is one of the places you must see before you die. Groving, as they call it, is an event, whether with family or college friends, and the food and fellowship is simply amazing. However, tailgating is underrated and also a lot of fun at Saints games, and most of is done in parking lots around the Superdome. There’s nothing more enjoyable than some Cajun food and beer before the game. And, speaking of beer, alcohol will almost surely be available to you at either Ole Miss or Saints tailgates. Just make sure you drink responsibly and don’t make a fool of yourself.

The last thing I will mention is the attire for the game. This is probably the most obvious difference between Ole Miss and Saints games. At an Ole Miss game, slacks and a button-down is essential for the guys while a tie or blazer is also an option. (I won’t even try to vouch for the ladies’ side of things.) This contrasts greatly to the attire worn at Saints games. I suggest a jersey of your favorite player and a Saints cap, along with a pair of jeans or khaki shorts, but it’s really up to you. In conclusion, Saints and Ole Miss games are a lot of fun and the key is to enjoy yourself, win or lose. If you follow the guidelines that I have given you above, there is now way that you will not do just that.

How to get the full experience of an Alabama football game

Melissa Lovell

How to get the full experience of an Alabama football game

I have always grown up in Alabama. My parents are huge Alabama football fans. I have always grown up loving Alabama football and everything that goes along with that. I was about 11 when I went to my first Alabama football game in Tuscaloosa. All the things that I saw and experienced surprised me but also made me really happy. Since that first football game, I have kept coming back to experience the atmosphere of an Alabama home football game. There are some things that you need to do to get the full experience of an Alabama home football game.

Before you even leave your house to get to the game, there are a few things that you need to know and learn. You should learn the Alabama fight song, Rammer Jammer, and Dixieland Delight. You should buy or borrow an Alabama t-shirt and maybe even an Alabama hat. You should also be prepared for all the crowds that will be in Tuscaloosa and you should be prepared to scream a lot. Once you get to Tuscaloosa, there is a lot that you should do before, during, and after the game.

1. You should get to Tuscaloosa early on game day. I would suggest at least 3 hours before the game starts. There is so much to do on campus that you should experience and you need plenty of time to them all.
2. Once you get to Tuscaloosa you should go to the Quad and walk around. There are always a lot of people tailgating on the Quad. The band plays while on the Quad, and there is always something for young children to do.
3. When there is about two and a half hours before the game starts, walk over to the front of the stadium. There is a walkway that leads up to the big steps in the front, and there will be a lot of people lined up on the edges of the sidewalk. You should get in line with all the other people and wait. At about two hours prior to kickoff, the football team pulls up to the stadium and they walk down the sidewalk to get into the stadium. This is called the Walk of Champions. It is a great way to be able to see the football players before the game and get some good pictures of them.
4. After you see the Walk of Champions, you can walk to the side of the stadium that is close to sorority row and you can see the band walk to the stadium. They call this the Elephant Stomp. Once you see the band go into the stadium you can continue to walk around the Quad or just walk around the campus for a while.
5. When there is about 30 minutes before the game starts you should enter the stadium. If you are sitting in the student section you may want to get there about an hour before the game starts.
6. Once you are in the stadium, you should watch the band do the pre-game show.
7. The band does the big bama spell out and so when they start spelling out B-A-M-A you should yell each letter really loudly.
8. When the band plays the national anthem you stand and if you choose, you can sing. Some times after the anthem some military planes fly over the stadium, so be prepared for a loud roaring noise.
9. Once the anthem is over and the fly over is over, yell really loudly and get really excited about the game that is about to start.
10. The jumbo-tron will begin to play some footage from old games and good moments in Alabama football history moments. When they show an awesome play, the stadium will erupt in cheering. Cheer along with the rest of the crowd. If you really love football, you could get some chills from watching the amazing plays.
11. Then the jumbo-tron with show the doors to the locker room with Saban standing there waiting to come out with the team. This is the time that the crowd goes crazy and gets really really excited.
12. You should be yelling really loudly at this point and when the football team comes out onto the field you should start yelling louder. If you have a shaker you should be shaking.
13. When the band begins the fight song you should sing it as loud as you possibly can.
14. If you are a true Alabama football fan you can boo the other team when they come out onto the field. (This is not required to get the full experience, but it is quite fun.)
15. When the kicker is setting up the ball for kick off the stadium will start a cheer. They will say roll until the kicker kicks the ball and then they will say tide roll. Join in on the cheer.
16. Now that the game has begun you are entitled to yell what ever you want at the players and the refs. (Booing your own team is really not nice so I would not recommend it.)
17. Most people think that half time is for bathroom breaks and to get food, but you should stay in your seat and watch the Million Dollar Band perform. (They are really good.)
18. When the game starts back up again, you should continue to be loud and rowdy.
19. At the end of the third quarter, be ready to sing Dixieland Delight.
20. At the beginning of the 4th quarter, hold up four fingers. Do not worry about looking stupid because everyone will be doing the same thing, even the football players.
21. If the team is winning with a minute or less in the game, the band will play Rammer Jammer. Sing with all the you have in you! You can even scream the song if you want. (This is even better when there are fans from the other team sitting next to you.)
22. If we have won the game, you can stay in the stadium for some celebration time. The celebration will be better if we defeat an SEC school or a school that is in the top 10.
23. After the game you can do what ever you want celebration wise. If you want to go and get plastered, then go for it. There are almost always fraternities that are having parties and people are always hanging out on the Quad.
This is the best way to really enjoy a football game here in Tuscaloosa.

To live in the south, you should know how to go to a football game and how to make the most of your time at the game. If anyone wants to fully enjoy a game I suggest that they take what I say into consideration and they will really have the best time of their life.

"how to lure in a big tom"

Henry Shields
English 101
Adam Weinstein
November 20, 2007
“How to lure in a Big Tom”

For you non-natives, a big tom is the name delegated to the almighty and elusive Eastern turkey of Alabama. Females are called “hens” and young males are called “jakes”. The eastern turkey that roams throughout Alabama and most of the southeast is one of four major species of turkeys. The other three are Merriam, Rio Grande, and the Osceola. Despite their difference in genetic makeup these different species of turkey share one thing on common: they are the most elusive and prized game to hunt from white rhinos in Africa to the common varmint here in the United States. Imagine stalking an animal that has the eyes of an eagle and hearing abilities that rival any hearing aid made by man. If this magnificent bird had the ability to smell they would be without a question; impossible to hunt. With this said, the question still remains, how do you lure in such a great master of the wilderness like the Turkey? Lucky for you, I fit the stereotype of “good ol’ boys” raised in Alabama and I can tell you everything you need to know about luring in the elusive “Tom”. It’s just up to you to put my knowledge in action. And as the old saying goes, “it’s a lot easier said than done”.
First and foremost-Hunting gear
Because of the turkey’s superb eyesight, the most essential tool needed to hunt turkeys is good hunting gear. Without this, you are better off staying home.
Camouflage. Camouflage comes in many different patterns and you want to pick the pattern that best matches the terrain you will be hunting. Mossy oak and Realtree are top retailers who make a variety of different patterns to match the color of the woods depending on what time of the year you are hunting. Since turkey season in Alabama opens in the spring, you want a greener pattern of camo, not a dark fall or winter color. When turkey hunting, you want to be covered from head to toe in camouflage. Get a camo hat, facemask, gloves, shirt, pants, and socks. I cannot stress enough the importance of having the right camouflage; without this you would stick out like a sore thumb and have no chance of killing a turkey.
Gun and Ammunition
It is illegal to hunt turkeys with a rifle in all states. This being the case, the weapon of choice is a shotgun. If you don’t own one, you do not need to go overboard when purchasing a shotgun because some can cost you upwards of two or three thousand dollars. Price is not as important as the manufacturer of the gun. I suggest a Remington or a benneli. Make sure your gun can shoot a 3 inch shell. Most common are 2 and ¾ inch shells, but a 3 inch shell is necessary to take down a turkey. You need to check the choke in your gun. The choke is a small round metal tube that screws into the end of you barrel. It controls the pattern of your shot. Shotguns shoot out a lot of small little pellets, and the size of your choke determines whether they stay tight together or spray out in a wider range when fired out of the gun. The four main chokes are as follows from tightest grouping of the bullets to largest: full, improved cylinder, modified, and skeet. You want a full choke that will keep your shot tight together to have a greater impact on the turkey because it is such a large bird. Ammunition is the tricky part. If you are a novice, shopping for right bullets can be like finding a needle in a haystack. Shotgun pellets are made of either steel or led. You want to use led for turkeys because it is more powerful. Next, you want to get the right bullet depending on the gauge of your gun. Know the gauge of your gun and ask an employee for help if you are not sure which bullet fits your gun. Firing the wrong bullet out of the wrong gun can be fatal! Next is the size of the bullet. The most common is 2 and 3/4 inches for shotgun shells, but for turkey hunting you want to shoot a 3 inch shell. The last number determines the size and number of pellets that are packed into the shell. Low numbers mean fewer, bigger pellets and vice versa with the large numbers. For shooting turkeys, you want a low number such as a two or three shot. These are the most important elements to consider when purchasing bullets, the brands vary and are completely up to the hunter.
Calling up a wild turkey is an art that must be learned and practiced to perfection. The aforementioned topics were all preparation tips; calling is the actual way to lure in the “big Tom”. A turkey makes multiple different sounds; the most common are the cluck, strut, and the gobble. The point of calling is to simulate the sound of a hen. Therefore you must concentrate on the first two sounds; the cluck and the strut. Hens cluck when they are feeding and it is more of a neutral sound. By neutral, I mean it is just a communication sound, not to call in other turkeys. On the other hand, the strut is the sound that lets toms know the hens are ready to mate. This is obviously the sound you want to simulate. Unless you are an Indian, you will need a turkey call to simulate these various noises. There are three different types of calls; the box call, the slate call, and the mouth call. The mouth call takes a long time to master so I suggest a box or a slate call for beginners. The box call is a handheld box with a top that slides over the box causing friction to simulate various sounds. The slate call is a round slate made of chalk and a small rod is used to slide over it to simulate different sounds just like the box call. These two basic calls are very similar and choosing one is the hunter’s choice. You can choose either one depending on your preference, but the most important thing is to practice, practice, and practice! I suggest purchasing an instructional video or CD to listen and learn the sound you want to simulate.
The Hunt
Now that I have informed you of all the necessary tools needed to prepare for the hunt, it is time to put it to use. Hunting turkeys is different than any other wild game because they are smart, elusive, and they do not stay in one place for more than a couple of days. First, you want to hunt a hardwood forest. Hardwoods include big oaks, not pine trees. This is because turkeys roost (sleep) in the trees and they do not like pines. Once you have found a good patch of woods, you need to locate the turkeys. The key to this is finding their roosting spot. The general idea is to go out in the evening and find where the turkeys fly up for the night. Once you have located their roost, go back the next morning and wait for them to come down. Turkeys usually come down right at sunrise, so in order to be prepared you must get up early and be in your spot before daybreak. Once in your spot do not move or make a sound because they are extremely cautious and weary of their surrounding when they first fly down. Stay well hidden, have your gun ready, and start calling. Turkeys have a mind of their own, but if you have practiced your calling and stay still you have a good chance of luring in the elusive “Tom”. The hardest part is calling the turkey in close enough to get a shot. The usual range for a shotgun is about twenty to thirty steps. Once you have the turkey in your sights, aim for his head and fire away. You want to shoot them in the head because they have thick feathers and brisket, which makes it difficult for the pellets to penetrate. If all goes to plan and you kill the elusive “Tom”, congratulations! You have joined a group of elite hunters that have done what very few men have accomplished. But remember, as the old saying goes, “It’s a lot easier said than done”.

Paper #5: How to Clean Your College Dorm Without the Help of Mommy

Courtney Hamilton
Adam Weinstein- EN 101

Every new student to the University of Alabama applies for rooming their first year and either decide to take a gamble with a random roommate or room with someone they all ready know. I chose to take the gamble. The roommates I was placed with are named Sarah, Megan, and Caitlin. Fortunately for me, I was given a suite in Tutwiler. My first impression of the three girls was they seemed easy to get along with, which made me feel quite at ease. However, as the year progressed I became aware of each girl’s different personalities and living styles. Sarah, a cute brunette with a bubbly personality, might be the messiest person I have ever known. Since I kept up with my room at home, this bothered me when I saw just how grungy a room could get.

Sarah, I love you to death, but this article is dedicated to you and your messy self:

How to Clean Your College Dorm Without the Help of Your Mommy…

Where I come from, people have a lot of money and have no real sense when to spend it or how to control their spending. East Cobb is full of rich parents with stuck up, bratty children. It’s a sad state of affairs but unfortunately, very true. Most parents spend all of their money on their bratty children and unnecessary purchases. One common expenditure popular in the suburbs is a maid. This may be great for the moms of the household, but does not help to raise children with respect for what they own.

Sarah came from the same background that I did and she falls in the category of a spoiled child. Although her mother thought she was doing Sarah a favor, she only made it harder for her. By hiring a maid, her mom gave her the privilege to be as messy as she wanted. However, once she strayed away from her parents and got roommates, people did not put up with her filthy ways. Being messy makes it hard to live with a person and can really take away from a potential friendship. Due to Sarah’s untidy habits, I will not be rooming with her again next year. So if she EVER decides to change her ways these are the steps to follow:

Starting with the bedroom:

1.) You must first start with picking up everything off the floor. Ranging from dirty clothes and underwear to empty slushy cups. You must make sure that everything gets put away in an organized manner so that finding things later on will not be so difficult. After following these steps, you will be amazed at the treasures and lost items you will recollect.

2.) After clearing some space in the room, you will all ready start to feel cleaner and feel the weight lifted from your shoulders. However you are not even close to being finished. Next, you need to clean the necessities such as: the toilet, the windows, the mirror, etc. This is probably the nastiest step in the whole process, especially since you probably have not cleaned in awhile. Make sure to get every corner and hard to reach places.

3.) Now, look in the closet for the vacuum that hasn’t been used in months and prepare to use it for the first time. Some may find it annoying to unwrap the cord and dump out the previous load, but it must be done. This step is crucial for a room to appear clean to visitors. Most college vacuums are cheap, so be sure to go over a spot twice to get up any difficult objects.

Moving on to the kitchen:

4.) Please, for everyone’s sake, DO THE DISHES! The smell of unwashed dishes has the power to leave you lonely and friendless. Trust me, it is the rankest smell you will ever encounter. Mold develops in places you didn’t know was possible and dishes become unusable.

5.) Next, take the trash to the trash room. Over flowing trash cans do not give the room any attractive appeal whatsoever. It may also add to the smelliness of the dishes. The combination of the two makes me cringe just thinking about it.

6.) If you haven’t bought a mop yet, go buy one. It is a very important investment. Most people know how to clean up spills, but for those who don’t (cough SARAH), please pay close attention. After breaking a glass with fluid inside it, you must first pick up the big chunks of glass. Next, get paper towels and soak up as much liquid as possible. You may also get a wet towel and wipe it up to decrease the possibility of stickiness. After the spot has dried, you must sweep for glass you may have missed some. Finally, mop again, because chances are you didn’t get it all up.

Once you have followed all of these steps, your room should shine and breathing will finally be an option. People will marvel at the cuteness of your room and no longer focus on the clutter. Even you will feel a difference. You will be cured of any stress that you may have felt before and can finally concentrate on your studies. For the feeling of purity to remain, you must repeat these steps every week. Once the trash accumulates, the determination to clean may diminish.

Sarah, I hope you have taken note of these steps and in the future become a more cleanly person. Happy cleaning!
Julia Burchfield
EN 101
Adam Weinstein
November 20, 2007

How to Run from a Cop

I am writing this essay for every student at the University of Alabama who wants to know how to escape the clutches of the unforgiving police that roam our campus. My parents knew that I would experiment with alcohol here at the University. Although they would rather me wait until I was 21 to start drinking, they taught me the responsibilities of consuming alcohol (just like sex, our parents would rather us wait until we were married, but they still teach us safe sex just in case). So, since my parents knew that they could not monitor my behavior while I was at college, they taught me everything I should know about consuming alcohol responsibly. They told me to: A. Most importantly, never drink and drive; B. Never get in the car with a drunk driver. C. Never put my drink down at a party, for some deranged person might put a drug in my drink; and D. Do not get to the point of blacking out from drinking. With these values, I attended the University of Alabama, and was sure if I followed my parents’ advice I would stay out of trouble. I was wrong. The second week of school I was arrested in the front doors of my dorm for a charge called “Public Intoxication”. In case one does not know the definition of Public Intoxication I will gladly inform them. According to the StudentLife website, Public Intoxication “requires that the person be intoxicated to the degree that he/she is a danger to him/herself or another person. Being publicly intoxicated makes a person vulnerable to robbery, assault, and a number of other difficulties”. Now, before I begin I would like to say that I know that I was wrong for breaking the law; however, I went through all the precautions my parents bestowed in me before I went to my dorm. I A: Found a sober ride; B. Did not set my drink down at the party or let anyone else make me a drink; and C. Was not at the point of blackout because I remember every vivid detail of being arrested (which I will not go into because of its length and depth). As a result I spent 10 hours in the Tuscaloosa County Jail, and as I sat there in the “pink room” (which is a room that is painted pink to make people become sober) I was so confused on what I could have done to avoid being arrested. I came up with a few ideas, some which have worked recently, so I thought I would share them with others so they would not spare my fate.

One great way to get away from a cop is run. If you are at a party and the cops pull up the house you are in, run for life out the back door and don’t stop until you get to a place of safety. Now, do not run from the cop if they can see you, because the first thing they are going to do is run after you; and you have just given everyone else at the party a chance to leave the scene. However, judge the cop’s size, if they are really overweight, and you know you are a fast runner, you can chance it. But, your best bet from running from a police officer would be to run while they are in their car out the back door, so they did not even know you were at the party.

Another way to escape from the police is to hide. Don’t be an idiot and hide in a bedroom or closet, they look in there. Hide in a good hiding spot where no one would expect to find you (i.e. under a bed, in a large cabinet or in the shower). I know these places are hard to come by, but look around the house you are in when you walk into the party; try and scope out a good hiding place before, just in case.

One thing a person should know to do if a cop shows up at a party is to put their drink down, and get rid of all the alcohol or drugs they have with them. It does not matter how much it costs, or how much you want to keep it, it is better to get rid of the evidence then to get arrested. Besides, if they arrest you, they are just going to take it from you anyway. So if a cop shows up at a party, get all the alcohol that you have as far away from you as you can. Because if a cop cannot tell you are drunk, and you do not have any alcohol with you, you can refuse a sobriety test, and then the burden of proof is upon them.

Now in all seriousness, I do not think that anyone should run from a police officer. Yes, some of these tactics do work, however if you are caught, the consequences are much worse on you. The reason I am really writing this essay is because I am upset that the University Police is arresting people who are trying to be responsible. I know several other people who have been arrested, and they, like me, thought they were doing the right thing. I know four people who have been arrested walking home from a party because they did not want to get into a car and not only risk their lives, but the lives of other people. I know a girl who was arrested getting in the car with a sober driver, because all she wanted to do was go home. I know a boy who was arrested in a football game, for looking “intoxicated”. I am aware that the police department has a right to arrest all of the above; however, we are in college. The pressures and the exposure to alcohol while we are in school is very high, therefore they are going to drink. It bothers me that when I go to another college, police officers will escort people home if they seem slightly intoxicated, whereas here, they slap handcuffs on you (which really hurts). I think that there are a lot bigger problems, like rape, that should be taken care of then drunk college students (because recently there have been 2 rapes on campus this semester, and four cases of girls being sexually assaulted). I also think that cops should be looking for the people who are drinking and driving, not drinking and walking. I am not just complaining about the police department because I have gotten in trouble, I am just upset that the police are arresting the people who are trying to look out for themselves and for others. Basically what I have learned while being enrolled in the University of Alabama is to drink and drive.

In conclusion, I do not advise anybody to try to run from a police officer because I would hate to know that I put the idea in one’s head. But I would like everyone who reads this paper to be aware on how strict the law enforcement is here at the University, and to be careful; because even though you think you are doing the responsible thing, you may be punished for doing the right thing.

Monday, November 19, 2007

How to Survive a University of Alabama Football Game

Whitney Barton
“How to Survive a University of Alabama Football Game”
Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Some say its “A football town, with a dinking problem” and others say its, “A drinking town, with a football problem”. I think it is the latter of the two. It is a town with a huge football problem, and that problem is everyone is obsessed with Alabama football. Come game day weekend, the town goes crazy. People are sitting and waiting outside, even over night, just so they can set up their tents in a “good” spot for tailgating in the quad. They block off cars from certain roads around the strip so that people can walk on the streets. Fraternity houses rent bands to come play on that Friday night before the game, and people in general just go crazy for Alabama football. Football is something that is loved at all colleges and universities but very few go to the extent of what goes on in Tuscaloosa that Friday night and Saturday of a football game weekend. In this essay, a girl who has never been to the town of Tuscaloosa during a football game with successfully be able to go through all the same rituals that a female student goes through every weekend of a home game during football season.
Step One: Get a date for the football game.
In Tuscaloosa, Alabama it is very important for a girl to have a date to a football game, it’s tradition. It is something that has been going on since at least when my mom was here in the 1970’s. Starting sometime the week before the game, it is very important to go out a lot and hang out around all the guys. Just talk to all your guy friends and maybe they will ask you or, you could be set up with a complete stranger by a friend. Either one is acceptable. When you finally get asked, you accept and make plans for the weekend with him. The plans will consist of ya’ll going to his fraternity house on that Friday night before the game. There will be a band playing that night. Then on game day, your date will pick you up from wherever you live, and ya’ll will go again to his fraternity house. Once you have gotten a date and made plans, you can then rest assured that you will have the most fun possible at the football game.
Step 2: Go to your date’s fraternity house on Friday night
On the Friday night before the game, you will go to your date’s fraternity house with him. There is where you will find something called a band party. This is when the fraternities rent out bands to come play at their house. Your date will pick you up on Friday night and ya’ll will usually go somewhere to pre-game before you go to the party. Once you are ready to go to the house, ya’ll go and hang out there for a while. Then it is up to ya’ll to do whatever you want. Some people go to bars, other people go to other band parties or just other parties in general. But then you go home and sleep, usually you don’t get much because you stay out so late, because the next day will be filled with lots of excitement.
Step 3: Getting ready for the game.
Getting ready for the game may be one of the most important things of the day. You have to look your best, and there are many things you cannot forget when getting ready. You have to make sure you get up in time to shower and have ample time to do make up, hair, and pick out an outfit. Once you get up and shower, it is time to do hair and make up. Many girls here in Tuscaloosa do full make up for the game. This means you should put on cover up, foundation, eye shadow, eyeliner, bronzer, mascara, and blush. Once you do this, it is time for hair. Many girls will dry it and then straighten it with a flat iron. Or some girls prefer to wear their hair curly, but this is not without making sure it doesn’t go frizzy but putting some type of frizz control product in it. Once hair and make up is finished, you then move on to outfit. Now in the South, girls are much more prone to dress to the nines for football games. For example, I have friends that go to school up North in Michigan and other places in that area. They usually wear jeans and a t-shirt representing their team. Not in the South, especially Tuscaloosa, Alabama. This city is an old Southern city, which means that people tend to dress up and go all out for football games. Down here, it is the norm to be dressed up like you were going to a nice party, just for the football game. Girls most likely will always be wearing some sort of dress. Unlike in Knoxville, Tennessee for the University of Tennessee football games, where everyone, even the girls, deck themselves out in only orange and white, a girl does not have to wear strictly red and white here. As long as she has a cute dress on that is not the opposing team’s colors, she will be fine. There is one more thing before you can leave to go to the fraternity house with your date that you must not forget. It is your sorority pin for you and your date. In the South, sororities tend to be a much bigger deal than they are in the North or any other region. This is why to every game you wear a pin that says the name of your sorority and you also give one to your date for him to wear. This is just something fun to do so you can represent your sorority.
Step 4: Go to the fraternity house
A few hours before the football game starts, you will most likely go to your date’s fraternity house. Here you will find good food to eat while you all sit around. Mostly people just sit around and drink and talk and have a good time before the game. There are usually boy’s parents and multiple fraternity alumni who like to come to the house to pre game before going to the actual game. This is a fun way to hang out with your friends and drink before you go into the game, because you are not allowed to bring drinks into the game.
Step 5: Go to the football game
Depending on what fraternity your date is in depends on where you sit in the student section. Fraternities have the whole section from the field all the way to top of the stadium right behind the end zone. And if your date is in a certain fraternity you can sit closer up to the end zone than others in other fraternities. So you and your date go to the game, and cheer Alabama on to victory. There are several different cheers you can sing during the game. It is a fun and exciting time while you watch the team play. Hopefully Alabama will win and you can go out and celebrate with your date and friends that night. A win for Alabama always means there will be much more to do after the game because everyone’s spirits are high.
Some may never fully understand how important football is to Tuscaloosa, but if you are lucky to get to experience it and all its glory, consider yourself lucky. It is such a fun tradition to go to the games and band parties and everything else that goes along with the University of Alabama football. It may seem crazy to some people who aren’t from around here, but to many, its life.
James Ford

How to Have a Good Night at The University of Alabama

Having a good night in Alabama depends largely on two criteria: your definition of a good time, and your present “circumstance.” Because everyone probably has at least a slightly different definition as to what a good time is, my own will have to suffice. I have built my definition around what I consider to be the vaguely popular, male idea of what a night should involve. You do not want to be a dissident, so throw the majority of your opinion of a good time out the window unless it matches mine. The definition of a good night in Alabama is any night that yields one or more of the following:

1) more friends, especially those of the opposite sex
2) time with any member of the opposite sex in closer quarters (this applies only if it follows some kind of social gathering earlier in the night)
3) a good, crazy story (to be used for the former at later parties)
4) dancing (just because dancing is fun, a minor exception)
5) any boost to ones overall reputation
without involving:
1) any police activity
2) any fighting (unless you are defending a girl from an aggressor, that’s actually a positive and should be pursued)
3) any harm to ones overall reputation
4) generally, no lasting consequences
As for “circumstance,” you must take into account numerous factors. I have tried to list those I deem most important:
1) involvement in Greek life
2) money
3) availability of behavior altering substances (this generally means alcohol, but for some may include drugs, and is therefore dependent on age, the possession of a fake I.D., and/or “contacts”)
4) transportation
5) general mood and energy level (which is inextricably intertwined with the availability of behavior altering substances)
6) social status (manifested in the from of friends and acquaintances-note that the underlying purpose of any night should be to increase this status, so as to ensure a better time in following nights, this will be discussed in greater depth later)
Now that we have determined the criterion for the “goodness” of a night, we can form a quantitative relationship for the total “goodness” of a night. The total “goodness” of a night, G, equals the positive yields, p, minus negative yields, n, represented by the equation:

G = p(x) – 2n(x) + 8 Note that we multiply negative yields by two because of the severity of their consequences. We also add eight points to the equation so that the lowest possible number is a zero.

Success is measured by the G scale; the highest number on the scale being a thirteen and the lowest being a zero. We must realize that the positive and negative yields are necessarily dependent on the “circumstance” of the subject. Because of the infinite amount of varying circumstances, this relationship is far too hard to be represented by an equation; therefore this paper will be focused on producing the maximum number of positive yields by manipulating one’s circumstance to be in one’s favor.

Forums and Affiliations
There are two main forums in which any night that shall be deemed good will occur. They are fraternity parties and bars. These environments are where the overwhelming majority of social interaction takes place, and the most respected.

If you decide to go Greek then you already have a huge leg up. Parties are thrown for you during pledge-ship almost every night of the week, almost always with another sorority under the exact pretenses that you meet many members of the opposite sex. This is directly beneficial to positive yield number one, and is certainly designed to lead to positive yield number two. These parties are called “swaps.” Having attended only one swap, I am no expert on the subject, but I can tell you that besides from feeling a little forced, these parties are generally very fun. And while the amount of fun had is not a criterion for determining the “goodness” of a night, it can help lead to all five positive yields. Also because of the rigors of pledge-ship you have numerous close friends and many acquaintances. While this all sounds good, one must be wary of the social status associated with the fraternity itself. If the fraternity is reputable, being a brother inevitably boosts your social status which helps your circumstance. If the fraternity is considered no good the opposite is also true. Sober transportation is almost always available which can help lead to positive yield number two as well as deterring negative yields. Also if you are in a fraternity alcohol is almost always provided for you and your date, and when it is not, it is easily obtainable through the numerous contacts acquired in the fraternity. Other behavior altering substances also seem to be more easily obtainable through these contacts. Generally, being Greek helps to increase the number of good nights one has.

If you are not Greek, there are still many opportunities. Unfortunately you will not be able to attend the swaps and pledge parties that are designed to benefit your social status, but you can still attend the open parties held by Greeks on the weekends and all throughout the spring. But it is important to recognize the severe drawbacks on your “circumstance” due to being an independent, or non-Greek. First of all your social status starts out as relatively non existent. Even if you are fortunate to have many friends who are Greek, you must be sure to make friends with their brothers you do not know. There is a great deal of Alabama social etiquette present here that is at first foreign, but easy to learn. In my high school days back in Atlanta, most of the parties I attended included many people from many different schools, so I came to Alabama with my own code of social conduct, which has proven to be a bit skewed here. In Atlanta I could approach any stranger at a party with the utmost confidence that we would get along. That was almost always the case and I had many friends this way. Here it is not so clear. I now try to present myself with an even balance of confidence, friendliness, reservation, and smugness. Apply too much of either on a first impression and it could spell doom for your night. Too much confidence along with too much smugness can easily lead to a fight against not just one brother, but the entire fraternity as they can sometimes be a bit clannish. This directly produces negative yields two and three and can lead to negative yield one. Too much friendliness and you’re a dope, too much reservation and you’re an asshole. You need to find a balance and keep it until you feel a mutual respect, and then you can start be yourself. These rules apply for both males and females.

You may think this is far too much to think about for one good night, but fortunately there exist a major shortcut for most people that comes in the form of alcohol. If you are able to handle yourself when you drink it is a great social lubricant. This is why the possession of a fake I.D. or a reliable older friend can be a great benefit to your circumstance, as well as a good source of income, i.e. parents. It is important to remember though, that while for some people alcohol can be the key to a successful night it can be a major downfall for others, depending on the amount and the person. This is why bars are two fold.

For many independents like me, bars are a good place to go on nights where there is no open fraternity party to go to. Bars inevitably increase your chances to positive yield number two, but do not pursue positive yield number one unless the opportunity presents itself. A fake I.D. is necessary though for bars if you are underage. If you enjoy dancing, I recommend drinking as well. Luckily at most bars these are the only two things to do. One must to remember to be very wary of their behavior at bars though. Too much alcohol easily produces a fight for many people, and while your social status may not suffer too much from this at a bar, police are almost certain to be involved. You will regret your decision to drink so much very quickly. Money is also very necessary for bars so try to make good grades or get a job.1 It is not smart to attend bars alone, and while a two man crew will suffice, three should be considered the common minimum. Generally, bars should be a last resort, as they might produce positive yields, but are much more likely to produce severe negative yields.

Hopefully this paper will help increase both the frequency and magnitude of “goodness” experienced on any given night. You should always shoot for a thirteen on the G scale. And remember it’s not about how much fun you have, only the amount of positive yields you can produce.

1. A job should be pursued only if it does not interfere with ones nightly free time